万店掌 开放平台 Obtaining the Device List

open.shopweb.device.getDeviceList (Obtaining the Device List)Sandbox debugging

Obtaining the Device List

Interface description#

The environmentInterface methodSubmission methodDo you need a signatureHTTP request routing
Formal environmentopen.shopweb.device.getDeviceListPOSTtruehttp://openapi.opretail.com/m.api

Common request parameters#

ParametersTypes ofIs requiredThe maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
_aidStringTrue20Open platform system number, fixed to S107S107
_akeyStringTrue20Opretail open platform assigns developer keys to third partiesObtained after certification of platform developer
_mtStringTrue100Interface nameopen.shopweb.device.getDeviceList
_smStringTrue100Signature algorithm md5,sha1md5
_requestModeStringTrue100Request method post,getPOST
_versionStringTrue100Version numberv1
_timestampStringTrue100TimestampyyyyMMddHHmmss format
_sigStringTrue32Signature tokenGenerated according to the signature algorithm, see the signature algorithm rules for details
_formatStringFalse10Format typeCurrently only supports json by default

Business request parameters#

ParametersTypes ofIs requiredThe maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
intStore ID

Common response parameters#

ParametersTypes ofThe maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
statJSON-Gateway status (specific parameters are described below :)View
stat.cidString100Http request identifier
stat.codeString100Gateway return code
stat.codenameString100Gateway return code name
stat.systimeStringLongThe current time of the interface call
resultString100Interface returns prompt information
dataJSON-Business information returned by the interface call (generally json format data, the specific data format will be defined in the business return parameters)View

Business return parameters#

ParameterTypes ofWhether to returnReturns the maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
int×【records】Device ID
string×【records】Device Mac
string×【records】Device Type
string×【records】Device Name
string×【records】Device Version
int×【records】Platform ID
string×【records】Platform Address
long×【records】Creation Time
string×【records】Device IP
int×【records】Enterprise ID
int×【records】Device Online Status(1:online)
JSON×【records】List of Sub-device under the NVRView
boolean×【deviceStatusLst】Device DMS Online Status(false: Offline)
int×【deviceStatusLst】Video Device ID
int×【deviceStatusLst】Device Regist Method(0: Directly Regist;1:VSIP Cameras; 2: ONVIF; 3: RTSP)
int×【deviceStatusLst】Type of video stream get from (0: get through websocket; 1: get through streaming platform)
string×【deviceStatusLst】Video Device Mac61ac7b42c75a
string×【deviceStatusLst】Video Device ip172.16.3.18
int×【deviceStatusLst】Video Device Online Status(0: Offline; 1: Online)1

Public return code#

Return code nameReturn codeReturn code descriptionSolution
SUCCESS0Call success
KEY_NOTNULL1_akey can not be emptyInput the _akey parameter when the interface is called
KEY_UNLAWFUL2_akey is illegalkey is illegal, input in the correct key
KEY_HAS_EXPIRED3_akey has expiredPlease renew the service or contact the platform administrator
SIGN_METHOD_NOTNULL4_sm parameter cannot be emptyInput the _sm parameter when the interface is called
SIGN_TYPE_NOTEXIST5_sm type does not existCurrently only supports md5, sha1
SIGN_NOTNULL6_sig parameter cannot be emptyInput the _sig parameter when the interface is called
SIGN_WRONG7Invalid signature, please check parameters and signature format_sig value is generated according to the signature algorithm
METHOD_NOTNULL8_mt parameter cannot be emptyInput the _mt parameter when the interface is called
METHOD_NOTEXIST_CODE9The method name corresponding to _mt does not exist or is not registered in the serviceCheck if the method corresponding to _mt method name and _version version number is passed in error
REQUESTMODE_NOTNULL10_requestMode parameter cannot be emptyInput the _requestMode parameter when the interface is called
APPLICATIONID_NOTNULL11_aid parameter cannot be emptyInput the _aid parameter when the interface is called
APPLICATIONID_NOTSAME12_aid does not match the current key_aid and _akey must correspond one-to-one
VERSION_NOTNULL13_version version number cannot be emptyInput the _version parameter when the interface is called
TIMESTAMP_NOTNULL14_timestamp timestamp cannot be emptyInput the _timestamp parameter when the interface is called
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_ERROR15_timestamp timestamp formatting errorAccording to yyyyMMddHHmmss format
TIMESTAMP_OVERTIME16_timestamp has expired_timestamp is regenerated every time the interface is called
FORMAT_TYPE_NOTEXIST17_format type does not existCurrently only supports json (default), xml
API_CALL_REPEAT-100The interface is called repeatedlyInterface platform call exception
API_SYSTEM_CALL_ERROR-500API call failed, system exception occurredInterface platform call exception
UNKNOWN_ERROR-999Open platform system exceptionReissue request

Business return code#

Return code nameReturn codeReturn code description