万店掌 开放平台 Set preset bit

open.shopweb.scene.saveScene (Set preset bit)Sandbox debugging

Interface description#

The environmentInterface methodSubmission methodDo you need a signatureHTTP request routing
Formal environmentopen.shopweb.scene.saveScenePOSTtruehttp://openapi.opretail.com/m.api

Common request parameters#

ParametersTypes ofIs requiredThe maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
_aidStringTrue20Open platform system number, fixed to S107S107
_akeyStringTrue20Opretail open platform assigns developer keys to third partiesObtained after certification of platform developer
_mtStringTrue100Interface nameopen.shopweb.scene.saveScene
_smStringTrue100Signature algorithm md5,sha1md5
_requestModeStringTrue100Request method post,getPOST
_versionStringTrue100Version numberv2
_timestampStringTrue100TimestampyyyyMMddHHmmss format
_sigStringTrue32Signature tokenGenerated according to the signature algorithm, see the signature algorithm rules for details
_formatStringFalse10Format typeCurrently only supports json by default

Business request parameters#

ParametersTypes ofIs requiredThe maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
intStore Id
intScenario ID (obtained by querying the store scenario interface)
intDevice ID (Video device ID obtained through the device List interface)
intInvalid scenario (1: not applicable 0: applicable Default)
stringWhether it is an extended preset bit
intBefore the scheduled point (from open. Shopweb. Scene. GetSceneConfigs access)

Common response parameters#

ParametersTypes ofThe maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
statJSON-Gateway status (specific parameters are described below :)View
stat.cidString100Http request identifier
stat.codeString100Gateway return code
stat.codenameString100Gateway return code name
stat.systimeStringLongThe current time of the interface call
resultString100Interface returns prompt information
dataJSON-Business information returned by the interface call (generally json format data, the specific data format will be defined in the business return parameters)View

Business return parameters#

ParameterTypes ofWhether to returnReturns the maximum lengthDescriptionExample values
int×The primary key id
int×Preset digit number

Public return code#

Return code nameReturn codeReturn code descriptionSolution
SUCCESS0Call success
KEY_NOTNULL1_akey can not be emptyInput the _akey parameter when the interface is called
KEY_UNLAWFUL2_akey is illegalkey is illegal, input in the correct key
KEY_HAS_EXPIRED3_akey has expiredPlease renew the service or contact the platform administrator
SIGN_METHOD_NOTNULL4_sm parameter cannot be emptyInput the _sm parameter when the interface is called
SIGN_TYPE_NOTEXIST5_sm type does not existCurrently only supports md5, sha1
SIGN_NOTNULL6_sig parameter cannot be emptyInput the _sig parameter when the interface is called
SIGN_WRONG7Invalid signature, please check parameters and signature format_sig value is generated according to the signature algorithm
METHOD_NOTNULL8_mt parameter cannot be emptyInput the _mt parameter when the interface is called
METHOD_NOTEXIST_CODE9The method name corresponding to _mt does not exist or is not registered in the serviceCheck if the method corresponding to _mt method name and _version version number is passed in error
REQUESTMODE_NOTNULL10_requestMode parameter cannot be emptyInput the _requestMode parameter when the interface is called
APPLICATIONID_NOTNULL11_aid parameter cannot be emptyInput the _aid parameter when the interface is called
APPLICATIONID_NOTSAME12_aid does not match the current key_aid and _akey must correspond one-to-one
VERSION_NOTNULL13_version version number cannot be emptyInput the _version parameter when the interface is called
TIMESTAMP_NOTNULL14_timestamp timestamp cannot be emptyInput the _timestamp parameter when the interface is called
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_ERROR15_timestamp timestamp formatting errorAccording to yyyyMMddHHmmss format
TIMESTAMP_OVERTIME16_timestamp has expired_timestamp is regenerated every time the interface is called
FORMAT_TYPE_NOTEXIST17_format type does not existCurrently only supports json (default), xml
API_CALL_REPEAT-100The interface is called repeatedlyInterface platform call exception
API_SYSTEM_CALL_ERROR-500API call failed, system exception occurredInterface platform call exception
UNKNOWN_ERROR-999Open platform system exceptionReissue request

Business return code#

Return code nameReturn codeReturn code description